Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Filming Week 1

I know this post is a little late as I filmed on Saturday and that it is now Tuesday but I suppose that it is better late than never. I also think that you would like to know how the first day of shooting went. To be honest I think that it went very well considering we had to factor in the fact that my leading actor had to leave to baby-sit later in the day,I had to attened a job interview at one o'clock and that we had a family friend come and visit. This meant that we had to e very careful with the time that we had so I decided that we should try and finnish the inside scenes with what little time we had. This saved us having to film outside n two seperate days which could have caused some continuety issues. I plan to film agin this weekend and hopefully get all the footage I need, if not I will need to go back out the week after and get the last few shots.

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